Merchants can have different requirements while setting up commissions in their affiliate programs. It is, therefore, necessary for merchants to have the option to modify the commission based on various conditions or requirements.

GoAffPro offers merchants the commission modifier option. It allows them to modify the existing commission of affiliates with different rules, such as order value, coupon code, customer, etc. In the commission modifier option, merchants can select a rule, set the matching value, and adjust the commission.
Here we take a closer look at the commission modifier option offered by the GoAffPro app:
Order Value rule
Merchants can set up commission modifiers with the order value >= or order value <= rule. It allows them to adjust the affiliate’s commission depending upon the order value.
For example, if the default commission is 10% and the merchant wants to give a 15% commission on sales with an order value greater than $100, a commission modifier with the order value >= rule, with the matches value set as 100, set to adjust the commission by 50% (as 50% of 10 = 5, so modified commission = 10 + 5 = 15%).
Customer match rule
GoAffPro offers merchants the option to set up commission modifiers to adjust the commission depending upon the type of customer. Merchants can select from the first-time customer or the old customer/recurring customer rules.
For example, if the default rate is 10% and the merchant wants to give a 5% commission to affiliates for referral sales involving old/recurring customers. For this, the commission modifier with the old customer/recurring customer rule, is set to adjust the commission by -50% (as -50% of 10 = -5, so modified commission = 10 – 5 = 5%).
Coupon Code Match rule
Merchants can also set up commission modifiers to adjust the commission depending upon the coupon code used in the sale. Such a modifier can be set with the coupon code matches rule.
For example, if the default rate is 10% and the merchant wants to give an 8% commission for sales (where coupon codes get used). For this, the commission modifier with the coupon code matches rule, with the matches value as the coupon code name, is set to adjust the commission by -20% (as, -20% of 10 = -2, so modified commission = 10 – 2 = 8%).
GoAffPro provides merchants with the option to adjust the affiliate commissions based on different conditions and requirements. For this, merchants can make use of the commission modifier option. Check out the app: GoAffPro
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