Motivating Affiliates in Your Program

The performance of affiliates is a significant aspect of an affiliate program. Better performance leads to a higher number of visitors and sales for the store. Merchants can take several measures to improve the performance of affiliates. These can include motivating them by giving them incentives or bonuses.

Motivating Affiliates

GoAffPro provides merchants with various options to set up incentives and bonuses for affiliates. These measures can help motivate affiliates into performing better and getting more sales for the store.

Here we take a look at some of the options present in GoAffPro for incentivizing affiliates:

Targets and Bonuses

Merchants can set up targets for affiliates. Affiliates earn bonuses as rewards for achieving these targets. GoAffPro offers merchants the option to set up targets for affiliates. Merchants can set targets with parameters such as revenue, sales commission, or the number of orders (referred by affiliates).

After selecting the parameter, the merchant can set the time period and the minimum value of the target. Finally, they can set the bonus amount that the affiliate will earn when they achieve the target.

Have a look at these tips on how to recruit affiliates in your program

Commission Boosters

Merchants can use commission boosters to boost the existing commission of affiliates. These boosters can be configured with various parameters that allow the affiliate to earn a higher commission rate on their referral sales.

Boosters can be set with parameters such as revenue, sales commission, number of orders, or new customer orders. After this, merchants can set up the time period and minimum value. Finally, they can set the boost percentage. Multiple boosters can be configured to create a tiered commission system for affiliates.

Affiliate Bonuses

Merchants can also set up other types of bonuses, such as signup bonuses, recruitment bonuses, etc. Signup bonus is credited to the affiliate’s account as soon as they register. It is a great way to get an affiliate started.

A recruitment bonus is credited when an existing affiliate recruits newer affiliates to the program. GoAffPro allows merchants to set up the signup bonus and even set it for post-checkout popup registrations. It also offers the option for affiliates to earn bonuses by recruiting newer affiliates using the recruitment bonus option.

These are some measures that merchants can take to incentivize and motivate affiliates to perform better. Options like signup bonuses also push new affiliates to get started. These incentives also help in bringing in more affiliates to the program.

GoAffPro provides merchants with various options for incentivizing their affiliates. It provides options such as Targets, Commission boosters, and even lets merchants set up bonuses for affiliates on signing up and recruiting. Check out the app: GoAffPro


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