Commissions are an essential part of an affiliate program. Affiliates are paid a commission on sales that they refer. Setting up commissions and commission rates play a crucial role in the success of an affiliate program.

Merchants can set up different types of commissions for their programs. These include different commission rates for products, collections, and even affiliates. Additionally, there are various other commission settings that can be adjusted to get the best out of an affiliate program.
Here we take a look at the different types of commission that exist and how to configure the commission settings for a program:
There are different types of commissions that can be set within an affiliate program. These include product commissions, collection commissions, fixed or royalty commissions, or even affiliate-specific commissions.
In a program, the default commission option applies to all the affiliates and products. The product commission option allows merchants to set up varying commission rates for different products in their program. Similarly, the collection commission option is used to set up different commission rates for different collections. The fixed commission option, also known as Royalties, can be set to give an affiliate commission regardless of who referred the sale or whether it was a non-referral sale. Additionally, merchants can set affiliate-specific commission rates, allowing them to set different rates for different affiliates in their program.
Also, merchants can set up commission modifiers that can be used to modify the commission rates that are currently in place. Modifiers are set with rules such as new or old customers, order value >= or <=, or even setting up modifiers for coupon codes. The commission modifier option allows the merchant to adjust the commission for different scenarios. There are also options to set up different referral sales settings in the program, such as calculating the commission after deducting the discount from the order or excluding shipping and tax while calculating the commission. There’s also the option of preventing affiliates from earning commissions on their purchases, as well as paying commissions to them only for referring new customers.
GoAffPro provides merchants with the option to set up different types of commissions such as product, collection, or fixed commissions. It even provides the option to adjust commission based on different scenarios using the commission modifier option and lets merchants set up different referral sales settings such as disabling commission on self-referrals or giving commission only for referring new customers. Checkout the app: GoAffPro
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