Tag: Affiliate
Tips for New Affiliates
Starting as an affiliate can be a challenging job. With so much competition in the affiliate/influencer space, things may look like they’ve been saturated. However, that’s not the case, instead, being an affiliate has become simpler than ever. Affiliate marketing needs no investment to get going, you can promote products that you are interested in,…
How to Grow Sales during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Affiliate marketing may be challenging during this period of the pandemic, but with stores opening up, it’s time to build an optimum plan for your company. With retail opening up, competition is going to be high, as companies will be doing their best to attract customers to their stores, therefore planning how to cope with…
Create a Successful Strategy for your Affiliate Program
In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been adversely affected due to the drop in sales. Many have resorted to cutting down on their marketing budget, to focus just on getting through this pandemic. Merchants have also gone ahead and made commission rate cuts in their affiliate program, and in some cases, have…
Make Your Affiliate Program Competitive
With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting sales, it can become difficult to operate an affiliate program. It is therefore important to adjust to the current situation and to make the affiliate program more competitive. Here we look at some of the steps that merchants should take to make their affiliate program more competitive and efficient: Competitive…
Affiliate Marketing: The New Normal
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major influence on the marketing industry, including affiliate marketing. The Affiliate Marketing Industry has seen an overall decrease in referral revenues and even instances of Affiliate Services reducing the Affiliate Commission Rates. Merchants in dire situations have also been forced to close their affiliate program. All of this has…
Tips for Making Affiliate Registrations Easier
If anyone wishes to become an affiliate in a merchant’s program, the registration process should be simple and smooth. The process of becoming an affiliate should be straight forward. It should be accessible to store customers and easy to fill. Here we take a look at some of the steps that merchants can take to…
Improve the Performance of an Affiliate Program by Guiding Affiliates
When running an affiliate program, the merchant needs to ensure that the affiliates in the program operate efficiently and perform well by bringing sales to the store. While there may be experienced affiliates in a merchant’s program, it is likely that there are a lot of people in the program who are new to affiliate…
Tips to Improve Merchant-Affiliate Partnership
It is very important to maintain a healthy merchant-affiliate relationship in the affiliate program. This helps to enhance affiliate loyalty and build long-term trust. While running an affiliate program, a merchant can do a lot to improve their partnership with affiliates. In exchange, this is beneficial to the merchant’s program, as it ensures that affiliates…
Affiliate Marketing in the COVID-19 Pandemic
While the COVID-19 pandemic is giving businesses a tough time globally, many businesses are looking to suspend or even shut down their operations completely. This has also affected online retailers’ sales since customer sentiments have shifted to the purchase of more essential commodities. Affiliate marketing has seen many ups and downs in this pandemic, while…
Use Data to Improve an Affiliate Program’s Performance
Making use of analytics to boost the efficiency of the affiliate program has become well known these days. Nearly all affiliate marketing programs offer data to merchants that can be used to evaluate how the affiliate program operates. This data can come in handy, particularly when merchants face a slump in their sales, by using…