The signup page is a critical part of the affiliate portal. It is where affiliates register themselves in the store’s affiliate program. The signup page allows merchants to obtain information about the affiliates they register for their program.
Depending upon the information submitted by the affiliate, merchants can decide to approve or reject the affiliate. It allows merchants to filter them out and only allow good-quality affiliates in their programs.

With GoAffPro, merchants get various options for customizing the signup page of their affiliate portal. Merchants get to choose from different page styles and customize the page as per their requirements.
Here we take a look at some of the customization features provided by the GoAffPro app for the signup page:
Signup Page Styles
Merchants can choose from three signup page styles, classic, slim and modern. In the slim style, only the signup form gets displayed. The classic style has a two-column layout, with one column having the program details and the other column having the signup form. In the modern style, the left column is set up to display a background image and the right column has the signup form.
Customize signup page: Guide
Signup Fields
GoAffPro provides merchants with the choice to add additional signup fields to the signup page. It also gives them the option to create new signup fields. It allows merchants to obtain information about affiliates, allowing them to approve or reject their registration.
Merchants can set up new signup fields with various input options such as drop-down, multiple selections, checkbox, signature, or even file upload. These allow for obtaining different kinds of information from affiliates.
Additional signup fields: Guide
Create new signup fields: Guide
Multiple Signup Pages
GoAffPro also provides merchants with the option to create multiple signup pages. They can set up multiple signup pages for catering to different types of affiliate registrations.
It also allows them to set up different commission rates, a signup bonus, and approval settings for these pages. There is also the option to set up custom welcome emails for these signup pages and link them to affiliate groups.
Setup multiple signup pages: Guide
GoAffPro provides merchants with various options to customize the signup page of their affiliate program. It allows them to choose between different signup page styles and add or create signup fields. There is also the option to create multiple signup pages for different types of affiliates in the program. Check out the app: GoAffPro
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