Lead Capture with GoAffPro

GoAffPro offers merchants the option to capture leads through a form on their store. Our app can capture the form data and attribute it to the affiliate who referred the customer.

Lead Capture with GoAffPro

What is lead capture?

When a visitor lands on a merchant’s website and fills up the form, that visitor gets converted into a lead. It is fundamentally a method of gathering customer information without pushing them for an instant sale.

The collected customer information gets used to convert visitors into customers. Many businesses that sell services use the lead capture strategy to get customers.

After filling in the form, the company can use the customer’s information to reach out to them, send a quote for their service, or offer details on the products or services they offer.

Form Referrals

This feature allows merchants to capture leads through a form in their store. Additionally, it will attribute the leads to affiliates who refer them.

How the form referrals feature works:

  • The merchant wants to capture the form data and leads from a form they have in their store.
  • Merchant connects the form in their store with the form referrals option (using their form’s CSS selectors).
  • When an affiliate refers a visitor to the merchant’s store, that visitor will fill up the form and submit their information.
  • Our app will automatically track the lead and record the form data.
  • The lead will get attributed to the affiliate who referred the visitor.

GoAffPro offers this feature allowing merchants to capture their form data and attribute the leads to affiliates.

Have a look a how you can set up a profitable affiliate program for your business

Our app also provides various other lead capture features:

Automatic influencer credit

With the automatic influencer credit option, if the captured lead places an order at the store, the affiliate/influencer who referred them will get credited with that sale.

This way, when the lead finally gets persuaded to purchase in the merchant’s store, the affiliate who referred them earns a commission on that sale.

Lead Bonus

With the lead bonus feature, merchants can set a lead bonus for their affiliates. The lead bonus is a bonus amount or commission that an affiliate will earn for referring a lead.

Merchants can set the lead bonus to reward their affiliates/influencers for referring leads to their store. If any visitor visits the store using an affiliate’s referral link and fills up the form, the affiliate earns this bonus.

Create & Embed forms in the affiliate portal

Our app also offers the option to create referral forms and embed them within the affiliate dashboard. It allows affiliates to use the form (embedded in their dashboard) to input leads manually for the merchant’s future re-marketing.

That way, when those leads make any purchase in the merchant’s store (in the future), the affiliate will get credited for it.

Want to capture leads in your store using a form? Check out our app: GoAffPro


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