Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Brands often strive for higher engagement and conversion rates in influencer marketing campaigns. Here is when AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) come into play to help achieve the goals.

By using these technologies, businesses can capture consumer interest with immersive product experiences. Driving purchasing decisions is another benefit of AR and VR influencer marketing initiatives.


According to DOIT Staffing, around 40% of consumers are more likely to pay more for products they can initially test with AR. Thus, companies can significantly boost their sales potential.

In this article, let’s talk about the benefits of AR/VR in influencer marketing campaigns. Then, take a look at how these technologies are used across different industries. And finally, explore a step-by-step strategy to implement AR/VR in influencer marketing.  

Incorporating AR and VR into influencer marketing campaigns offers many advantages for brands. Let’s explore some of them together:

Deeper Engagement

AR and VR create immersive, interactive experiences. Viewers become active participants rather than passive observers. They can:

  • Virtually try on clothing items and accessories.
  • Embark on guided tours with travel influencers. 
  • Participate in gamified brand activations.

Hands-on interactions resonate better with influencer messaging and branded content. Notably, 61% of consumers prefer engaging with augmented reality over traditional methods. 

Immersive Storytelling

AR and VR allow influencers to immerse audiences within brand stories and experiences. The creative possibilities are expansive:

  • Beauty creators can transport viewers into virtual makeup tutorials.
  • Home decor influencers can stage personalized, shoppable room designs.
  • Travel vloggers can guide explorations of far-off destinations in VR.

By blending products with compelling storytelling, these experiences help implant lasting memories of the brand messaging.

Data-Driven Optimization

AR/VR offers brands deeper audience insights than static visuals:

  • Granular user interaction data tracks what content resonates most.
  • Heat maps reveal audience engagement patterns within AR/VR scenes.  
  • Conversion metrics directly attribute purchases to immersive experiences.

This rich data fuels continuous optimization of influencer strategies and targeting for improved ROI over time.

Having said that, it’s time to take a closer look at real-world examples of AR&VR in influencer marketing.

Let’s explore how AR&VR are transforming various industries.

Fashion and Beauty

Various brands, such as Rare Beauty, Dior, and L’Oreal, use AR filters on social media. As a result, people can virtually try on makeup looks promoted by influencers.

AR/VR also enables the showcasing of entire clothing collections without needing physical samples. Followers can see digital outfits on the influencer’s body or their own avatar. Brands can even host virtual fashion events. At these events, multiple influencers model the same digital clothing across various sizes.

Home Goods and Furniture

Retailers like Ikea offer AR apps for shoppers. These applications let customers visualize how furniture would look in their homes before purchasing. This approach solves a major pain point for consumers. 

Home decor influencers can leverage AR technology to share interactive makeover content. Their followers can experiment with different design ideas. They can virtually build their dream rooms alongside the influencer.


The famous German car brand Volkswagen is using AR in an interesting way. Their billboards allow customers to use an AR app. Through smartphone screens, they can see the new Volkswagen Beetle virtually bursting out of the billboard.

Automakers can also build virtual showrooms and vehicle configurators using AR/VR. They can partner with influencers to provide guided virtual tours and test drives from home. Instead of passive videos, audiences can explore vehicles interactively.

As we can see, AR/VR transforms influencer marketing from one-way broadcasts. It creates interactive experiences that better connect products with people’s lives. Now, let’s explore how to implement these technologies effectively.

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Integrating AR and VR into an influencer campaign requires a strategic, multi-step process. Let’s take a closer look at each step. 

Identifying the Right Influencers

Thorough research is critical for finding the ideal partners for AR/VR influencer marketing campaigns. Brands must analyze creators in their niche who:

  • Have large, highly engaged followings 
  • Align with their target audience’s demographics and interests
  • Are early adopters comfortable producing innovative, tech-forward content
  • Have audiences receptive to cutting-edge experiences

Partnering with these influencers can amplify the reach of AR/VR initiatives. Specifically, their established trust and authority ensure a more impactful campaign. 

Concepting the AR/VR Experience  

With influencer partners selected, brands must carefully concept the core AR/VR experience. If aiming for product visualization or virtual try-ons, AR experiences may be most effective. For storytelling and brand immersion, a fully immersive VR environment could be ideal.

Brands should map out the desired user journey and interactivity flow. They must also envision how the influencer will integrate the branded AR/VR elements into their content.

Production Process

All 3D models, graphics, and environments for the experience must be custom-produced to photorealistic quality standards. For AR, advanced computer vision capabilities like motion tracking, surface detection, and occlusion mapping overlay digital objects realistically. For VR, complete world-building inside game engines like Unreal creates immersive virtual spaces.

Campaign Deployment

With the AR/VR experience production complete, brands coordinate a strategic deployment plan. It leverages the influencers’ existing channels and promotion capabilities, which include:

  • Sponsored posts across social platforms
  • Ads
  • Email newsletters
  • Livestream integrations

Clear instructions must guide users on how to launch the AR/VR experience. It could be through:

  • A web-based portal
  • A mobile app
  • Attached social media filters

Brands should also incentivize audiences to create and share user-generated content. It includes photos or videos featuring the branded AR filters to amplify reach.

Measurement & Optimization

To evaluate success, brands must first define the priority metrics and KPIs. These should align with the campaign’s core goals – whether that’s engagement, conversions, etc. They can then analyze quantitative data on view times, interactions, dwell times, conversion rates, etc.

However, qualitative insights through social listening tools, user surveys, and focus groups are equally vital. These provide insight into understanding audience sentiment. 

Using all these inputs, businesses can then optimize content and targeting strategies for maximum performance. They can also identify opportunities to iterate or expand the AR/VR activation.

Summing up

AR and VR are reshaping influencer marketing, allowing for immersive, interactive experiences. With these tools, consumers can virtually test products like cosmetics and furniture. This factor enhances the bond between influencers, brands, and audiences.

However, effectively leveraging AR and VR necessitates strategic planning. Despite this requirement, the potential rewards are significant. Brands incorporating these technologies distinguish themselves, fostering stronger connections with consumers. 

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